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Virtual Kids Church - January 3, 2021

  • Praise Assembly 1421 South Old Baltimore Pike Newark, DE, 19702 United States (map)

Welcome to Virtual Kids Church: Jan 3, 2021

New Monthly Theme & Overview - Elementary and PreTeens

The psalmist wrote, The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it. God is the author of creation, and God has entrusted us to care for and cultivate it. We do that by taking responsibility. From the work we need to accomplish to people we meet to the words we use; life is filled with moments where we can decide to reflect God’s character, take responsibility, and use what we have wisely. When we follow through and do what needs to be done, we can point others to Jesus, the One who took the ultimate responsibility for us and made it possible for us to be with God forever.

Elementary & PreTeen Week 1: Jan 3, 2021

Key Question: What are things you’re expected to do? Even kids and preteens have responsibilities. As they start to name them, they’ll start to realize that those expectations aren’t there to frustrate them. Each of us has things we need to do—including our responsibility to love. We pray that kids will take Jesus’ words to heart as they discover how to show God’s love to others.

We kick off the New Year in Matthew 22:36-40. The religious leaders were always trying to trap Jesus with His own words. This moment was no different. They asked Jesus, out of hundreds of laws they were to follow, which were the most important. Jesus simplified everything, and made love the top priority. The most important responsibility is to love God, and love your neighbor as you love yourself.

Bottom Line: Love God. Love others. These are four simple words, but they are not always simple to put into practice. We hope that, as kids discover more about responsibility, they start to understand the ways they can love God and love the people God has put in their lives.

Elementary Message Summary:

  • Bible Story: The Greatest (Greatest Commandment) • Matthew 22:36-40

  • Today’s Bottom Line: Love God. Love others.

  • Monthly Memory Verse: Suppose you can be trusted with something very little. Then you can also be trusted with something very large. Luke 16:10a (NIrV)

  • Monthly Life App: Responsibility—Showing you can be trusted with what is expected of you

  • Basic Truth: I should treat others the way I want to be treated.

New Monthly Theme & Overview - PreK

This month is going to be Out of This World! We are going to use this fun and exciting theme to help teach preschoolers about the most amazing thing ever, which turns out isn’t a thing at all. No! He’s a person! You know who I’m talking about – Jesus! We are teaching preschoolers that Jesus is amazing! And, we’re doing it by sharing stories about some of Jesus’ amazing miracles.

Jesus displayed an amazing understanding of God when He was at the temple as just a young boy. The people who heard Him were amazed! Jesus calmed a storm with just a word. Amazing! Jesus filled fishermen’s nets with fish. Amazing! Jesus healed a blind man with mud and spit. Amazing!

This world, well this universe, is filled with amazing things, but nothing will ever be more amazing than the One who created it all. Jesus is amazing, and we want our preschoolers to know it!

PreK Week 1: Jan 3, 2021

Story Focus: Jesus’ teaching is amazing. This week, our PreK kids will hear about Jesus teaching in the Temple as a boy. He amazed all of the people who heard Him with His understanding of God at such a young age. Jesus is amazing!

PreK Message Summary:

  • Bible Story Focus: Jesus’ teaching is amazing. Jesus Teaches at the Temple • Luke 2:41-50

  • Memory Verse: “Everyone who heard him was amazed.” Luke 2:47, NIV

  • Key Question: Who is amazing?

  • Bottom Line: Jesus is amazing.

  • Basic Truth: Jesus wants to be my friend forever.

Supplemental Materials:

NOTE: For 2021, Elementary Kids Church will be taped in Chapel, and will include various videos. Parent Guides and Kids Devotional will continue to be provided during Live kids services on Sunday mornings.

Supplemental Worship:

PreK Experience (Ages 2-4)

Preteen Experience (Grades 4-5)

Earlier Event: December 27
Virtual Kids Church - December 27, 2020
Later Event: January 10
Virtual Kids Church - January 10, 2021