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Virtual Kids Church - January 10, 2021

  • Praise Assembly 1421 South Old Baltimore Pike Newark, DE, 19702 United States (map)

Welcome to Virtual Kids Church: Jan 10, 2021

W E E K 2  - Elementary and PreTeen

Key Question: What do you have that you can share? From an early age, most kids are taught to share. As they get older though, the stakes get higher and it can take more effort to share. As we ask this question, we pray that preteens will see that they can share more than their stuff. They can share their time, their friendship, and their talents.

In week two, we head to Luke 12:13-21 where we find a parable Jesus told about a rich man who was focused on the wrong thing. As a successful farmer, his land produced a large amount of crops. He decided to build bigger and bigger barns to collect it all. He might have a had a lot for himself, but he failed to think about how he could have helped the people around him.

Bottom Line: Share what you have. Sometimes we are on the receiving end of someone’s generosity, but other times we get to show responsibility by sharing and being generous to others. When we realize that God has given us everything we have, we’re more likely to share with others. We pray that as kids learn more about the parable of the rich man, they’ll discover ways they can be responsible with how they share what they have.

Elementary Message Summary:

  • Bible Story: Give It Away (Bigger Barns) • Luke 12:16-21

  • Today’s Bottom Line: Share what you have.

  • Monthly Memory Verse: Suppose you can be trusted with something very little. Then you can also be trusted with something very large. Luke 16:10a (NIrV)

  • Monthly Life App: Responsibility—Showing you can be trusted with what is expected of you

  • Basic Truth: I should treat others the way I want to be treated.


W E E K 2 - PreK

Story Focus: Jesus’ healing is amazing. In week two, we will hear the story of four friends who carried their friend who couldn’t walk to Jesus. They were so determined to see Jesus that they climbed to the roof and lowered their friend down, because they couldn’t get to Jesus through the crowd. Their determination allowed Jesus to perform a miracle and heal their friend! Jesus is amazing!

PreK Message Summary:

  • Bible Story Focus: Jesus’ healing is amazing. The Four Friends • Mark 2:1-12

  • Memory Verse: “Everyone who heard him was amazed.” Luke 2:47, NIV

  • Key Question: Who is amazing?

  • Bottom Line: Jesus is amazing.

  • Basic Truth: Jesus wants to be my friend forever.

Supplemental Materials:

NOTE: For 2021, Elementary Kids Church will be taped in Chapel, and will include various videos. Parent Guides and Kids Devotional will continue to be provided during Live kids services on Sunday mornings.

Supplemental Worship:

PreK Experience (Ages 2-4)

Preteen Experience (Grades 4-5)

Earlier Event: January 3
Virtual Kids Church - January 3, 2021
Later Event: January 17
Virtual Kids Church - January 17, 2021