Kids Church for Sunday, May 3, 2020
The month of May introduces us to a new theme in Kids Church – Unstuck: Don’t Give up!
This unit will prepare the kids to lean into God’s power when they face challenging situations, and when they need to keep doing what is right, with out giving up. We will explore in great depth the meaning of determination.
Determination: deciding it’s worth it to finish what we started.
All of us, even little kids, may experience parts of life that seem hard; the easy thing to do would be to give up! The lessons this month offer the kids hope and the will to not give up! Through determination, they can learn to trust God’s promises and can experience the joy of completing what God began in their lives.
In the New Testament, we see what the early followers endured as they lived out Jesus’ great Commission. Many were thrown in jail or even put to death for their faith. In the face of that, they showed determination and continued to spread the message of Jesus from village to village.
This Sunday, we’ll hear how they were initially called to go get The Word out!!! Think about how they were supposed to do that without technology! Or airplanes! But they did have the most important thing: The Holy Spirit! He empowered them with determination so they could keep going even when it seemed impossible, and even when the going got tough.
Today’s message is also appropriate because today, 5/03/20, is the first Sunday of the month, the day we usually focus on Missions in Kids Church. We have an opportunity to hear about things happening around the world and how God’s people are carrying on the Great Commission to this day.
We hope you and your children enjoy the lessons and continue to grow in their faith.
Blessings from Ms. Lucie and Ms. Margo.
PreK Message Summary:
Bible Story Focus: God Made Me • Genesis 1:26; Ps. 139:14
Memory Verse: “Nothing at all can ever separate us from God’s love.” Romans 8:39
Key Question: Who made everything? What is the most special thing God made?
Bottom Line: God loves me.
Basic Truth: People are wonderfully made by God. He made us and He loves us.
Elementary Message Summary:
Bible Story: Jesus’ final orders to His Disciples / Ascension • Matt. 28:16-20
Bottom Line: Keep going even when it seems impossible.
Memory Verse: “Let us not become tired of doing good. At the right time we will gather a crop if we don’t give up.” Galatians 6:9 (NIrV)
Life App: Determination - deciding it’s worth it to finish what we started.
Basic Truth: The Holy Spirit helps me to keep going when things are hard.
Go! Worship Song - FLCkidslife [YouTube]
Jesus You’re My Superhero - Hillsongs Kids [YouTube]
Never Give Up - Hillsongs Kids [YouTube]
Joy - For King & Country [YouTube]