Kids Church for Sunday, April 26, 2020
Glad you are here to watch another "virtual" Kids Church session this weekend.
This week, we conclude our month's focus in a series called Upside Down, where we learned lots about what the Word of God has to say about living with humility. Following Jesus means we might act a little ‘upside down’ from what’s normal. Instead of being selfish, we’ll be selfLESS. Instead of trying to get our way, we’ll let someone else have THEIR way. Instead of saying, ‘Me first,’ we’ll put others first. That’s humility!
This week we'll hear a story from Luke 24, that begins just after Jesus came back to life. Two of His followers were walking to a village called Emmaus. While traveling, the men were trying to make sense of how Jesus had gone from being followed around by crowds and celebrated in the streets of Jerusalem, to being arrested, beaten and killed. And how, shortly after His death, people were saying He was ALIVE. Along the walk, they were joined by a stranger whom they later discovered, was Jesus Himself.
Jesus told the men that everything that had happened to Him was actually part of God’s Big Story. Once the men shared a meal with Jesus and saw it was Him, they were excited about telling others the truth. They were amazed to discover how much bigger God’s Story was than they’d expected. So they hurried back to Jerusalem to tell their friends!
This story reminds us that when we put our trust in Jesus as our Savior, we get to be a part of God’s Big Story. We can have a relationship with Him and know that He’s always with us, and we can grow in that relationship every day! And the more we discover about God, the more we can make wise choices and live out His plan for our lives. And by the power of the holy Spirit, we can share with others.
Blessings from Ms. Lucie and Ms. Margo.
PreK Message Summary:
Bible Story Focus: Jesus wants me to tell others He is alive.
Great Commission • Matthew 28:19-20
Memory Verse: “I am alive for ever and ever!” Revelation 1:18, NIV
Key Question: Who is alive?
Bottom Line: Jesus is alive.
Basic Truth: Jesus wants to be my friend forever.
Elementary Message Summary:
Bible Story: More Than This (On the Road to Emmaus) • Luke 24:13-35
Bottom Line: There’s always more to discover about God’s plan.
Memory Verse: Don’t do anything only to get ahead. Don’t do it because you are proud. Instead, be humble. Value others more than yourselves. Philippians 2:3 (NIrV)
Life App: Humility—Putting others first by giving up what you think you deserve
Basic Truth: I need to make wise choices.
Thank you God - Orange Music [YouTube]
I Can Always Trust You - Orange Music [YouTube]
Everybody Praise Him - Orange Music PreK [YouTube]
Be the Center - Mighty Kids Arise [YouTube]