Welcome to Virtual Kids Church: Dec. 6, 2020
Overview December - Elem/PreTeen
Christmas can be filled with all sorts of emotions. Some people easily experience the joy of the season. Some rest in the hope that God is making all things new. But others struggle to find peace due to life’s circumstances. With all that’s going on this time of year, we thought it’d be great to go back to the basics and simply celebrate Christmas.
The truth is Jesus is the best gift God ever gave. Jesus was proof that God loves us and we can trust God no matter what. Because of Jesus, it’s possible for us to have a relationship with God that will last forever. As we remember the Christmas story, we take time to celebrate the greatest gift the world has ever known and rediscover, joy and hope and peace as we rest in the unconditional love of God.
Overview December - PreK
We are going to have an incredibly sweet month in preschool as we combine the Christmas story with Christmas cookies! It is going to be so much fun!
While cookie cutters, decorations, and excitement will fill this entire month, the focus will be Jesus— specifically, Jesus is God’s Son. We want every preschooler to know that what we are celebrating this time of year is the wonderful truth that God loved the world so much that He gave us His only Son, Jesus.
We pray that we will all enter this month with the same wonder the shepherds had as they heard the good news for the very first time—a wonder that will inspire us all to go and tell everyone, everywhere that Jesus is God’s Son.
Elem/PreTeen Week 1: Dec. 6, 2020
Key Question: What are you hoping for? Christmas is a time of year that is filled with hopeful anticipation. We look forward to spending time with our families. We hope for a certain gift under the Christmas tree. With all that might seem strange about Christmas in 2020, it’s important for kids to have the chance to process their feelings. We pray this week will not only give them a chance to share their hopes but also remind them that they can put their hope in God, who they can trust no matter what.
We kick off Christmas with one of the most hopeful passages in the Old Testament. In Isaiah 9:6, we read, “A child will be born to us. A son will be given to us. He will rule over us. And he will be called Wonderful Adviser and Mighty God. He will also be called Father Who Lives Forever and Prince Who Brings Peace,” (NIrV). As God’s people were about to head into exile, God delivered hope through a promise. Someday, this will all be over—a King would come who would make all things new. Christmas celebrates the hope that God sent Jesus to fulfill that promise and rescue creation once and for all.
Bottom Line: We can have hope because God keeps His promises. Throughout the Bible, we see time and again how God followed through on what He promised His people. Knowing that God has kept His promises in the past, gives us hope that God will continue keeping His promises in the future. In a world of uncertainty, we pray that kids discover the hope that through Jesus, God is making all things new. Elementary Message Summary:
Bible Story: High Hopes (Jesus Is Promised) • Isaiah 9:6
Today’s Bottom Line: We can have hope because God keeps His promises.
Monthly Memory Verse: Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you. He is the Messiah, the Lord. Luke 2:11 (NIrV)
Monthly Life App: Christmas—Celebrating Jesus, God’s greatest gift
Basic Truth: I can trust God no matter what.
PreK Week 1: Dec. 6, 2020
Story Focus: God told us He would give us Jesus. During week one, our preschoolers will learn that an angel told Mary that she was going to have a baby. He told her this baby would be very special. His name would be Jesus, and He would be God’s Son.
Bible Story Focus: God told us He would give us Jesus. The Angel and Mary • Luke 1:26-33, 38, 46-49
Memory Verse: “God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son.” John 3:16
Key Question: Why is Jesus special?
Bottom Line: Jesus is God’s Son.
Basic Truth: God loves me.
Worship Playlist:
Joy To the World - Go Fish Guys [Youtube]
The Christmas Dance - Go Fish Guys [Youtube]