Welcome to Virtual Kids Church: Dec. 13, 2020
Elem/PreTeen Week 2
Key Question: What are your plans for Christmas? December can be a busy time of year for families. We start with this simple question to get kids thinking about how we can respond when life doesn’t go according to our plans. Mary’s own plans for her life changed when the angel appeared to her and told her she’d be having a baby. She responded with joy. We pray that kids will discover how they can find joy, no matter what is happening because God’s plans are always better than our own.
This week we dive into Luke 1:26-56 to discover more about Mary’s reaction to the news Gabriel gave her. This must have come as quite a surprise. After all, Mary wasn’t married yet, and she had a different plan for her life. Gabriel reminded her that nothing is impossible with God. She could have been overwhelmed by this startling news, but she chose to respond with a song of joy.
Bottom Line: You can have joy because God has a plan for you. As we look over the past year, most of us could say that our plans changed a bit. Maybe we missed a vacation. Maybe we had to work from home, or attend school from home. Maybe we even got sick. When our plans are thrown up in the air, we can still find joy. Nothing takes God by surprise. We can trust that God has an ultimate plan for our lives. We pray that all kids would discover the joy that comes from believing in Jesus and God’s plan for us.
Elementary Message Summary:
Bible Story: Joyful, Joyful (Gabriel Appears to Mary) • Luke 1:26-56
Today’s Bottom Line: You can have joy because God has a plan for you.
Monthly Memory Verse: Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you. He is the Messiah, the Lord. Luke 2:11 (NIrV)
Monthly Life App: Christmas—Celebrating Jesus, God’s greatest gift
Basic Truth: I can trust God no matter what.
PreK Week 2
Story Focus: Jesus is born. this week, the kids learn how Mary and Joseph traveled to Bethlehem to be counted for the census. When they got there, they had to stay in a stable. And that is where Jesus, God’s Son, was born.
PreK Message Summary:
Bible Story Focus: Jesus is born. Jesus Is Born • Luke 2:1-7
Memory Verse: “God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son.” John 3:16
Key Question: Why is Jesus special?
Bottom Line: Jesus is God’s Son.
Basic Truth: God loves me..
Worship Playlist:
Joyful, Joyful, We Adore You - Go Fish Guys [Youtube]
Glorify - Jordan Feliz [Youtube]
Be the Centre - Shout to the Lord Kids 2 [Youtube]