Welcome to Virtual Kids Church: May 17, 2020
In week 3 of May 2020, we continue the devotional we began on Wednesday, 5-13-20, during our Praise Kids’ Zoom Meeting. This Sunday, we head to Acts 3:1-4:21 where we see that Jesus’ mission isn’t going to be that easy. Peter healed someone in the name of Jesus and caused quite a stir. Peter and John used this moment to share the message of Jesus. Soon though, the religious leaders arrested them and had them stand trial. Peter and John showed determination. They made it clear that no matter what happened to them, they would continue sharing Jesus with others.
Bottom Line: Keep going even when it gets tough. Even when we follow Jesus, we’re not promised an easy life. We are promised that God will be with us. Just because a situation we face is difficult, doesn’t mean it’s time to give up. We pray that kids will learn to lean into the power of God to find the determination they need to keep going.
Also, as we get closer to the end of this month, in preparation for the celebration of Pentecost on May 31st, the National AG Children’s Division has provided five 18-minute teachings on the purpose and power of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit for kids. Evangelist Ed Corbin shares great truths on the value of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit and how to receive it. Here is the link to all five lessons: Kids Pentecost Videos
PreK Message Summary:
Bible Story Focus: Prodigal Son - Luke 15:11-24
Memory Verse: “Nothing at all can ever separate us from God’s love.” Romans 8:39
Key Questions: What happened to the son’s money? Who has a plan for you?
Bottom Line: God loves me.
Basic Truth: Jesus tells a story about a father and son to show that God loves us, no matter what.
Elementary Message Summary:
Bible Story: Peter and John are taken to the Sanhedrin - Acts 3:1 - 4:21
Bottom Line:: Keep going even when it gets tough.
Memory Verse: “Let us not become tired of doing good. At the right time we will gather a crop if we don’t give up.” Galatians 6:9 (NIrV)
Life App: Determination - deciding it’s worth it to finish what we started.
Basic Truth: The Holy Spirit gives us the power to keep going when things are hard.
Have a blessed and safe week!
Ms. Lucie and Ms. Margo
Worship Playlist:
Day After Day - Orange Elem Music [Youtube]
Be Exalted - Watoto Children's Choir Elem [Youtube]
I Am Determined - Orange Elem Music [Youtube]
Wash Me Hands - Orange Pre K Music [Youtube]
Clean It Up - Orange Pre K Music [Youtube]