Welcome to Virtual Kids Church: Nov. 15, 2020
W E E K 3 - Elementary and PreTeen
Key Question: Why do people forget to say thank you? Identifying the reasons behind what we do is important. We hope to give our Kids the chance to consider why forgetting to say thank you can be so easy. As they discover these reasons, we pray they develop a strategy for remembering to say thank you when people help them.
This week, we head to Luke 17:11-19 and discover a significant moment when ten lepers asked Jesus to heal them. When their skin condition went away, they were so thrilled about the miracle that they ran off and forgot to say, “thank You.” Only one man, a Samaritan, turned around and showed his gratitude. Jesus made a point to commend this man’s faith.
Bottom Line: Say thank you. This is a simple bottom line, but it’s often so hard to put into practice. People offer their help and kindness and love, yet we often take all of that for granted. We pray that through this moment in Jesus’ life, kids will understand the importance of remembering to say thanks when others are kind to them.
Elementary Message Summary:
Bible Story: Say Something (Jesus Heals 10 Men) • Luke 17:11-19
Today’s Bottom Line: Say thank you.
Monthly Memory Verse: Give thanks to the Lord, because he is good. His faithful love continues forever. Psalm 136:1 (NIrV)
Monthly Life App: Gratitude—Letting others know you see how they’ve helped you
Basic Truth: I need to make the wise choice.
W E E K 3 - PreK
Story Focus: I can thank God for family who help me. Week three, we will see Aaron helping his brother, Moses. Moses was tired and couldn’t hold his arms up anymore, but Aaron came through and saved the day—or at least saved Moses’ arms. We wants our preschoolers to look at their families and say, “Thank You, God!” Did big brother help you tie your shoes? Thank You, God! Did Daddy read you a book? Thank You, God! Did Grandma give you a bandage? Thank You, God!
PreK Message Summary:
Bible Story Focus: I can thank God for family who help me. Aaron Helps Moses • Exodus 17:8-13
Memory Verse: “Give thanks to the Lord for he is good.” Psalm 107:1, NIV
Key Question: Who is good?
Bottom Line: God is good.
Basic Truth: God made me.
Worship Playlist:
Jesus I Will trust You - Orange Music [Youtube]
What a Beautiful Name it Is - Hillsong Kids [Youtube]
Waymaker - Leeland [Youtube]