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Virtual Kids Church - March 21, 2021

  • Praise Assembly 1421 South Old Baltimore Pike Newark, DE, 19702 United States (map)

Welcome to Virtual Kids Church: Mar. 21, 2021

W E E K 3  - Elementary and PreTeen

Key Question: What could you miss out on by not waiting? We will face times when we have a choice between what’s good and what’s best. We might rush to take the good because we don’t want to keep waiting for what’s best. Yet it’s in those moments when we might miss out on something really great. We pray that kids will learn how to wait with the future in mind. God has something amazing planned for them if they learn to have patience.

For week three, we go to Genesis 25:24-34, where we find one of the best examples of what happens when you’re not patient—the story of Esau. After a hunting trip, Esau was exhausted and hungry! And wouldn’t you know, his brother Jacob had a pot of stew cooking on the fire. Jacob takes advantage of this situation and offers a bowl in exchange for Esau’s inheritance. Turns out, Esau couldn’t resist. He lost something extremely valuable all because he was impatient.

Bottom Line: If you don’t wait, it could cost you. Through the story of Esau, we pray that kids will discover why it’s important to have patience and wait. We will face moments when we want to rush and take the first choice that comes our way, but that might not be God’s best for us. We pray kids will discover that when they wait, they can experience something even better than they can imagine.

Elementary Message Summary:

  • Bible Story: Can’t Hardly Wait (Esau’s Impatience) • Genesis 25:24-34

  • Today’s Bottom Line: If you don’t wait, it could cost you.

  • Monthly Memory Verse: Wait for the Lord. Be strong and don’t lose hope. Wait for the Lord. Psalm 27:14 (NIrV)

  • Monthly Life App: Patience—Waiting until later for what you want now.

  • Basic Truth: I need to make the wise choice.

W E E K 3 - PreK

Story Focus: When you love like Jesus, you can love everyone. In week three, we will talk about Jesus’ call for us to love others the way He loves us. Jesus said it so simply—go and love others the way I have been loving you all this time. Jesus calmed the storm when the disciples were afraid. He washed their feet. Jesus fed people when they were hungry. Jesus was the disciples’ good friend when no one else was. We want our preschoolers to know that when they share with others, help others, and say kind words to each other, they are loving like Jesus.

PreK Message Summary:

  • Bible Story Focus: When you love like Jesus, you can love everyone.  Love One Another • John 13:34-35

  • Memory Verse: “Love each other as I have loved you.” John 15:12, NIV

  • Key Question: Who can love like Jesus?

  • Bottom Line: I can love like Jesus.

  • Basic Truth: Jesus wants to be my friend forever.

Worship Playlist:

PreK Experience (Ages 2-4)

Preteen Experience (Grades 4-5)

Earlier Event: March 20
Praise Assembly Workday
Later Event: March 28
Virtual Kids Church - March 28, 2021