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Virtual Kids Church - February 21, 2021

  • Praise Assembly 1421 South Old Baltimore Pike Newark, DE, 19702 United States (map)

Welcome to Virtual Kids Church: Feb. 21, 2021

W E E K 3  - Elementary and PreTeen

Key Question: Have you ever received unexpected kindness? February is Random Acts of Kindness month. It makes sense. After all, often the best kindness is the kindness that feels completely random. We pray that this question will help kids discover how they feel when someone surprises them with kindness. And when that happens, we hope to guide them to figure out the unexpected ways they can show kindness to people in their lives.

For week three, we head to Matthew 5:41. In the Sermon on the Mount Jesus taught, Suppose someone forces you to go one mile. Go two miles with them, (NIrV). To us that might sound strange, but to those listening—not so much. Roman soldiers could force them to carry their pack for a full mile. Jesus reminds His followers  to go above and beyond in how they respond to others.

Bottom Line: Be kinder than you have to be. Often kindness can feel like an obligation. Because of that, we tend to do the bear minimum when it comes to showing kindness. What if we helped kids look at it differently? What if helped them see that kindness can be extravagant and unexpected. It’s that sort of kindness that can change people’s hearts and show them how much God loves them.

Elementary Message Summary:

  • Bible Story: One More Time (Go the Extra Mile) • Matthew 5:41

  • Today’s Bottom Line: Be kinder than you have to be.

    Monthly Memory Verse: You are God’s chosen people. You are holy and dearly loved. So put on tender mercy and kindness as if they were your clothes. Don’t be proud. Be gentle and patient. Colossians 3:12 (NIrV)

  • Monthly Life App: Kindness—Showing others they are valuable by how you treat them

  • Basic Truth: I should treat others the way I want to be treated.


W E E K 3 - PreK

Story Focus: Jesus wants to help me. Week three, we will see another way that Jesus showed His love for us in the way He helped a Centurion. This man was not one of Jesus’ typical followers, but he had heard about the amazing things Jesus could do. So, he asked Jesus for help. And, Jesus helped the man, because He loved him. We want our preschoolers to hear this story and know, Jesus will help me, because Jesus loves me. Why? Because every child was made for His love.

PreK Message Summary:

  • Bible Story Focus: Jesus loves me and wants to help me. The Centurion •

    Matthew 8:5-13

  • Memory Verse: “A friends loves at all times.” Proverbs 17:17, NIrV

  • Key Question: Who loves you?

  • Bottom Line: Jesus loves me.

  • Basic Truth: Jesus wants to be my friend forever.

Worship Playlist:

  • Live Differently - Orange Music

  • Everybody Wants Kindness - Orange Music

PreK Experience (Ages 2-4)

Preteen Experience (Grades 4-5)

Earlier Event: February 14
Virtual Kids Church - February 14, 2021
Later Event: February 28
Virtual Kids Church - February 28, 2021