Welcome to Virtual Kids Church: Sept. 13, 2020
Don’t forget about our September 13th BGMC Challenge to raise $100 for missions. All families who donate $100.00 will receive a Party Pizza delivery from Pat’s Pizza!
This week, Elementary kids return to 1 Samuel 20 for one of the most famous friendships in the entire Bible: David and Jonathan. These guys went through a lot together. From making a promise to help each other to escaping the dangers of Jonathan’s own father, King Saul, they showed us exactly what it meant for friends to love each other.
Bottom Line: Friends love one another. Just like David and Jonathan, friends can show how they love each other by the way they care for one another and go above and beyond to help each other succeed. It’s this sort of love we experience through Jesus. We pray that kids will follow Him and learn how they can help their friends know how much they’re loved.
Elementary Message Summary:
Today’s Bible Story: We’re Going to Be Friends (David and Jonathan) • 1 Samuel 20 (supporting: 1 Corinthians 13:4-8)
Today’s Bottom Line: Friends love one another.
Monthly Memory Verse: A friend loves at all times. They are there to help when trouble comes. Proverbs 17:17 (NIrV)
Monthly Life App: Friendship—Using your words and actions to show others you care
Basic Truth: I should treat others the way I want to be treated.
This week, Pre-K kids will hear about how, even though Joseph works hard and does the right thing, he is thrown in jail for something he didn’t do. Was that hard for Joseph? It had to be! And yet we see Joseph trusting that God has a pan for Joseph as he chooses to help those around him instead of feeling sorry for himself.
PreK Message Summary:
Today’s Bible Story: I can trust God’s plan, even when it’s hard. Joseph in Jail • Genesis 39–40
Memory Verse: “‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ says the Lord.” Jeremiah 29:11, NLT.3
Key Question: Who has a plan for you?
Bottom Line: God has a plan for me.
Basic Truth: God loves me.
Worship Playlist:
Love One Another - Orange Music [Youtube]
Live Your Love - Orange Music [Youtube]
Thank You God - Orange Music [Youtube]
When I'm With You - Citizen Way [YouTube]
Hills and Valleys - Tauren Wells [YouTube]