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Virtual Kids Church - August 2, 2020

Welcome to Virtual Kids Church: August 2, 2020

Right from the start of the Old Testament, we see God's indescribable creativity.  Everything around us gives us a glimpse of our creative God.  Jesus was creative with the way He taught and the miracles He performed.  This month, the Elementary and PreTeen kids will explore the connection between creativity and God's character, as shown throughout God's Big Story, and how they can reflect God's creativity to the world around us. 

In Preschool, the kids will explore how they are wonderfully made in God’s image!  Do you ever think about yourself like that—that you are wonderfully made in God’s image? We tend to forget about all of the wonder that went into making us as we become grown- ups. Time has a way of dulling our shine. It’s part of the reason why people have to prod us to ‘say cheese’ when they take our picture.  If we really, really, really believed that we are wonderfully made in God’s image, no one would ever have to tell us to smile when they pulled out a camera. We would be smiling from ear-to-ear. That is what we want for preschoolers. We want them to smile with confidence, because they know God made us.

Preschool kids new series this month is called "Say Cheese." God put thought and love into every single part of them. Not only did He make their curly red hair or their chocolate brown eyes, He also made their brains to think awesome ideas and learn cool things. He made them with the ability and heart to help others. He made them creative so they can build and sing and imagine.

PreK Message Summary:

  • Bible Story Focus:  I am wonderfully made in God's image • Genesis 1:26; Psalm 46:1, Proverbs 2:6

  • Memory Verse: “I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” Proverbs 139:14, NIV

  • Key Question: Who made you?

  • Bottom Line: God made me.

  • Basic Truth:  God made me.

Elementary and PreTeen kids kick off August's series called Indescribable, in Genesis 1 & 2, as we help kids discover something about the beginning of the universe. Looking around at creation, one can’t help but notice God’s creativity. From nothing, God spoke the universe into existence. No detail left out, creation gives us the brilliant creativity of a God who is big enough to create the world and personal enough to love us no matter what.

Bottom Line: There’s no limit to God’s creativity. We pray that kids will start looking at the world more closely and notice God’s amazing creativity. From the uniqueness of animals to breathtaking landscapes throughout the word, not to mention the expansive universe filled with solar systems galore, we want kids to discover the wonder of creation and how it shows us how awesome God is.

Elementary Message Summary:

  • Bible Story:    Everywhere You Look (Creation) • Genesis 1 & 2

  • Today’s Bottom Line: There’s no limit to God's creativity.

  • Monthly Memory Verse: Lord, you are great. You are really worthy of praise. No one can completely understand how great you are. Psalm 145:3 (NIrV)

  • Monthly Life App: Creativity—Imagining what you could do because you're made in God’s image.

  • Basic Truth: I can trust God no matter what.

Today is Boys and Girls Missionary Challenge Day. Offerings towards our missions projects can be given online, to BGMC, or mailed to Praise Assembly, PO Box 9025, Newark DE 19714. Below is a BGMC Project Update - Berea ChildHope School, Guatemala, for one of our projects for the year. Our goal for the year is $12,500.00; update on our year-to-date giving will be available next week.

Worship Playlist:

PreK Experience (Ages 2-4)

Kids Experience (Grades K-3)

Preteen Experience (Grades 4-5)