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Virtual Kids Church - June 21, 2020

Welcome to Virtual Kids Church: June 21, 2020

Happy Father’s Day to all the dads out there! May God continue to be the center of your lives so that you can be a great influence in the lives of your kids!

This week continues the teaching from last week.  In Acts 9:10-31 we see what happens after Jesus meets Paul on the road to Damascus. God came to Ananias, a follower of Jesus living in Damascus. Ananias knew Paul’s reputation, but he trusted that God would take care of him. He might have been scared, but he trusted that Jesus could change anyone, including a man like Paul. He even helped Paul escape Damascus when some of the religious leaders plotted to kill Paul.

Bottom Line: knowing Jesus can help you face your fears. When we believe that Jesus conquered death itself, we can believe that Jesus can do anything. Knowing Jesus gives us a peace that passes all understanding. We might fear something from time to time, but we can put our trust in Jesus and know that we can face anything when He’s with us.

 PreK Bible Story Focus: I spy someone who believes in Jesus.  Paul’s Conversion • Acts 9:1-20
Memory Verse: “These are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God.” John 20:31, NLV
Key Question: Who can believe in Jesus?
Bottom Line: I can believe in Jesus.
Basic Truth: Jesus wants to be my friend forever.

Elem Bible Story: Fearless (Ananias Helps Paul) • Acts 9:10-31
Bottom Line: Knowing Jesus can help you face your fears.
Memory Verse: Faith is being sure of what we hope for. It is being sure of what we do not see. Hebrews 11:1 (NIrV)
Life App:
Faith—Trusting in what you can’t see because of what you can see
Basic Truth: I can trust God no matter what.

Worship Playlist:

PreK Experience (Ages 2-4)

Kids Experience (Grades K-3)

Preteen Experience (Grades 4-5)

Earlier Event: June 14
Virtual Kids Church - June 14, 2020