Welcome to Virtual Kids Church: May 31, 2020
What a month this has been! We have lived out the essence of this month’s theme - to not give up during this quarantine time! We must continue to take good care of ourselves and follow precautions. But we now also have the opportunity to meet again in LIVE church starting today! It won’t be like the normal we were used to before 3/15/20, but these past sessions have taught us to trust the God of all creation—He has a good plan for us and is happy to see us being diligent and steadfast, even though it has been tough!
In today’s Virtual Kids Church, we turn to Acts 8:26-40 to study about a Jesus follower named Philip. An angel told Philip to travel toward the desert. On the way, Philip met an Ethiopian official who was reading the Jewish Scriptures. The official had questions and asked Philip. Philip answered the man’s questions and pointed him to Jesus. The official put his faith in Jesus and was baptized.
Bottom Line: Keep going even when you have questions. We’ll never know everything about everything. However, in order to keep going, sometimes we have to ask questions about what we don’t know. I pray that your kids will discover people in their life who they trust to ask hard questions about life and faith. And that they in turn, can offer answers to others who may ask them questions about their faith.
We are determined to keep serving you as best we can and loving you with the love of Jesus.
Ms. Lucie and Ms. Margo
PreK Message Summary:
Bible Story Focus: The Lost Coin Luke 15:8-10
Memory Verse: “Nothing at all can ever separate us from God's love.” Romans 8:39 NIrv
Key Questions: What did the woman lose? (A coin) What did she do when she found it? (Celebrate/Have a party)
Bottom Line: God loves me.
Basic Truth: Jesus tells a story about a woman who looks for a lost coin to show how special we are to God.
Elementary Message Summary:
Bible Story: Philip and the man from Ethiopia Acts 8:26-40
Bottom Line: Keep going even when you have questions.
Memory Verse: Let us not become tired of doing good. At the right time we will harvest a crop if we don't give up. Galatians 6:9
Life App: Determination - deciding it's worth it to finish what you started
Basic Truth: Nobody knows everything - seek out advice from trusted sources
Worship Playlist:
Alive 2017 - Orange Music [Youtube]
Every Move I Make - CJ & Friends [Youtube]
Rising Up - Orange Music [Youtube]
I Am Determined - Orange Music [Youtube]
I Belong - Jeff Slaughter [Youtube]