Welcome to Virtual Kids Church: Oct 25, 2020
Elementary and PreTeens finish up the month in Philippians 4:8. Paul reminds the church, “Finally, my brothers and sisters, always think about what is true. Think about what is noble, right and pure. Think about what is lovely and worthy of respect. If anything is excellent or worthy of praise, think about those kinds of things.” (NIrV). If we want to have integrity with our entire lives, we have to fill our minds with good things in the first place.
Bottom Line: Focus on what’s true. Being a person of integrity takes work. We hope that this week kids will discover how they can fill their minds with things that are true, good, and worth thinking about. Filling our minds with what’s true, can helps us live our lives with honesty and integrity.
As preteens are growing up, they become more self-aware. We hope this question, "What do you tend to focus on?," will prompt them to discover some things about themselves and how they might trust God to help them live with integrity. We pray they’ll figure out a plan to focus on what’s true.
Elementary Message Summary:
Bible Story: Always on My Mind (Think on These Things) • Philippians 4:8
Today’s Bottom Line: Focus on what’s true.
Monthly Memory Verse: Anyone who lives without blame walks safely. But anyone who takes a crooked path will get caught. Proverbs 10:9 (NIrV)
Monthly Life App: Integrity—Choosing to be truthful in whatever you say and do
Basic Truth: I need to make the wise choice.
Preschoolers wrap up the month with one of the most popular stories in the Bible—Noah! Preschoolers love this story! How could they not with all of the animals and the rainbow at the end! We will use Noah’s exciting story to teach the truth that God keeps His promises. If God says He’s got it, then God’s got it! Our hope is that preschoolers will begin to understand that God loves them and is always with them. No matter what storm is raging in their lives, God’s got it.
PreK Message Summary:
Bible Story Focus: God keeps His promises. Noah • Genesis 6:8-33, 7:1-24, 8:1–9:17
Memory Verse: “God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9, NLT
Key Question: Who’s got it?
Bottom Line: God’s got it.
Basic Truth: God loves me.